Surprise: SC's online
DMV works just fine!
Andy Brack
SC Statehouse Report
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AUG. 3, 2003 - - Last summer when lines at the Division of Motor
Vehicles easily could be an hour and a half, it was easy to wonder
whether the DMV would ever get its act together.
Now, it seems the new DMV - - now called the Department of Motor
Vehicles - - has become something other than The Gang That Couldn't
Shoot Straight.
These days, lines average about 15 minutes across the state, DMV
spokesperson Beth Parks says. And in 39 of the DMV's 68 offices,
there are Wal-Mart-like greeters who help customers ensure they
have the necessary paperwork and materials before they stand in
Additionally, Parks says DMV clerks are more comfortable and confident
about using the new computer system installed last summer. Its glitches
have been worked through and it's now operating smoothly.
But if anyone last year would have suggested the DMV would be able
to implement a trouble-free online component for issuing drivers'
licenses, they would have been laughed out of the state.
But it has happened.
Three weeks ago, I got a notice in the mail that said I could avoid
all lines at the DMV by renewing my license online:
"You are eligible to renew your driver's license using DMV's
online service or by mail if you are a United State citizen, you
do not have more than five points in the last two years against
your driving record, and your license is not suspended, cancelled
or revoked," the letter said.
It invited me to use the department's Web site - -
Quite frankly, I didn't expect it to work.
At 10:15 p.m. on a Sunday night, I visited the site and went to
the "online service sites" area. In less than five minutes,
I followed the instructions, entered a credit card number, clicked
some buttons and learned that the $12.50 transaction was successful.
Even though the confirmation message said I would get a new license
by mail, I still expected something to go wrong.
It didn't. The new license showed up in Thursday's mail. In less
than 80 hours, the DMV processed my request, made the license, put
it in the mail and I received it. And I didn't have to stand in
any line.
Rhonda Thompson, who runs the DMV office that processes online
and mail-in driver's license renewals, said most people expect to
get the license in about two weeks. But because her office has no
backlog, transactions are processed immediately.
These days, the DMV is getting a lot of positive feedback on its
new system. Thompson said people send e-mails that say things like,
"Wow, this was easy" and "I'm starting to chant,
'No more visits to the DMV!'"
In the first month of operation of the online system, Thompson's
office processed 4,190 driver's license renewals. That's as many
as a single busy office does in a month, Parks noted.
The DMV's online office also allows users pay to renew identification
cards, pay reinstatement fees and complete a license tag registration
renewals. And for free, drivers can check the points they have on
their records or change their address.
"It's been very successful," Parks said. "We were
at first surprised at the number of people who have used the system.
We didn't expect to see as many renewals as we are seeing.
"With our history, anytime you get anything more than you
thought, you're thrilled."
Final note: After we talked, Parks took her 15-year-old daughter
to get a learner's driving permit. So while online government is
improving every day, there are still some things for which you may
have to stand in line!
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